【FAN YIN葡萄酒同學會】取夫妻兩人姓氏設計的logo,以深愛的咖啡、葡萄酒,與知性旅遊,追尋生命的桃花源,致力人生下半場。 提供客製化葡萄酒品飲課程、與藝術結合的跨界品飲活動。已有九十餘場成功的經驗。 為企業、VIP提供葡萄酒收藏、代購等諮商服務 Derived from the last names of Vincent and Eve, we are the couple indulged in the coffee and wine, FAN YIN is a brand pursuing the paradise of life. Providing customized wine tasting courses, events, with over ninety successful experience. FAN YIN also provide the consulting service for wine purchase and investment.

目前分類:Eve 來辦桌 (1)

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2013-02-16 Eve來辦桌系列 (796) (0)